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Über uns
Einkaufserlebnis beim über 20-fachen Schweizer Meister im Tischtennis, Christian Hotz.
Der TT-STORE ist seit 2019 Vertriebspartner der Marke «JOOLA» in der Schweiz.
Als Fachspezialist und einem kompetenten Team mit mehrjähriger Tischtennis-Erfahrung, sind wir der Ansprechpartner Nummer 1 in Sachen Tischtennis. Unser
Sortiment ist für den Profi- und Freizeitbereich ausgerichtet. Mit unserem breiten Angebot im Onlineshop sind wir bestens für dich ausgestattet. Mit dem richtigen Equipment steht deinem nächsten Erfolg nichts mehr im Wege. Dass auch Du Meister wirst.
service hotline
In addition to our large selection of products, the service is the top priority. Do you have a lover?
Whether knobs outside or smooth coverings - our professional assembly service makes it possible for you to make your individual racket.
The covering is assembled directly on site, so you can have your finished table tennis racket sent directly to your home. In addition to advice for your optimal table tennis equipment, we also offer you further services on request: product advice/presentation, private/group training, table tennis show on the occasion of an employee/customer event.
Get advice from our experienced table tennis specialists when buying your product.
Whether professional or recreational players, association or association, we offer the right advice for everyone and every table tennis fan. Our service hotline (+41 79 949 27 06) can be reached for you from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or simply write us an email to:
Make your favorite table tennis partner happy. With our vouchers you will surely succeed. You can do this in our online shop Buy. With a voucher you are always on the safe side. Here it goes to the Vouchers.
We are always enthusiastic about new ideas, projects and partnerships.
We already have various partnerships with clubs, companies and players. Do you have a cool idea or do you still need prices for a table tennis tournament? Then just write us an email to: